Pararium NFTs

Enter Into The Unique Digital World of Membership, Shopping, and Boost rewards with NFTs

Earn RIUM & $PAZ by Booster "THUNDER" tier Summary

Pararium is a digital ecosystem that utilizes blockchain technology to offer various services to its users. Its token, $PAZ, is used as the primary token within the ecosystem and offers several benefits to those who hold $PAZ. Pararium also offers different types of NFTs that are categorized as Brand NFT and Item NFT.

Brand NFT - Membership

Brand NFT comes in the form of Membership NFT which is a unique digital asset issued through blockchain technology for promotional and revenue-generating purposes. Users can purchase Membership NFTs at a lower price by using $PAZ, and holders of these NFTs receive various membership benefits. For example, brand owners can provide discounts and exclusive product sales events to Membership NFT holders. The use of blockchain technology ensures the transparent and secure delivery of membership benefits to NFT holders, and the unique identification of each NFT can be verified on the blockchain.

Brand NFT - Shopping

Shopping NFT is a unique digital asset that represents ownership of a specific item that is connected to the brand's offline physical product. Using NFC, barcode, or QR code, users can purchase Shopping NFTs and submit them in the designated method to receive the actual physical product. By utilizing blockchain technology, brand owners can guarantee stronger ownership of their products, while users can verify their ownership of the purchased product on the blockchain and feel a greater sense of ownership.

Pararium Item NFT

Pararium Item NFTs include Pararium Booster "THUNDER" NFTs, which take the form of shoe-shaped NFTs. "THUNDER" NFTs can be worn on avatars within Pararium and provide various benefits such as increasing the daily point(RIUM) acquisition limit. Each NFT offers different forms of benefits to its holder, creating a unique experience for each user.

In summary, Pararium NFTs offer users the chance to enter a unique digital world of membership, shopping, and item NFTs, all utilizing blockchain technology for a transparent and secure experience.

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